Explanation :
Anybody could make biodiesel at his yard easyly. Vegetable oils and animal fats are triglycerides, containing glycerine. The biodiesel process turns the oils and fats into esters, separating out the glycerine. The glycerine sinks to the bottom and the biodiesel floats on top and can be syphoned off.
The process is cal led transest erification, which substitutes alcohol for the glycerine in a chemical reaction, using lye as a catalyst.
Only give the small scale family biodiesel producing mill .
1. Oil press
Extract the oil from vegetable plant ,to get the vegetable oil and the cake,who could be feedstuff .
2.Oil filter
Clean the vegetable oil for ridding off the big oil dregs .
3.Reactor vessel
Use the lye for the catalyst to get the pure and thin oil . After setting for 8-12 hrs , it's clear (not colourless but translucent) , it's dry and ready to run your car.